Hi there! I’m Nathan smith I run Oaknsmith Wood Works, we specialize in personalized custom items
spanning a wide range of sizes and use.
After a good run of managing manufacturing plants and working with all the different departments
daily, I set out to work for myself and pursue my passions. Woodworking and making has been a part of
my family lineage as long back as I have been able to uncover, so making things comes naturally to me.
Earning a degree in Industrial engineering helped show me how things get designed, tested, and
manufactured, which only furthered my curiosity and interest in making things. Having my own shop
and being able to create whatever I could dream up has always been the end goal. After working
through the pandemic and being in a high stress environment for long hours every day of the week, I
decided it was time to put myself to the test and set off on my own. It’s been an amazing time of ups
and downs, but I enjoy every minute of it and it’s only going to get better from here. Thanks for
stopping by, I hope to get to create something with you someday!